
National Day Celebration:Tubah Mayor, Population Praise Divisional Officer For Successful Event

L-R: Brigade Commander Tubah, DO, Mayor By Raymond Dingana  On Monday, May 20th, 2024, the mayor of Tubah, Tanjong Martin, local leaders, and residents celebrated the Divisional Officer (DO) for Tubah, Masango Metugue Narcise, for organizing a successful National Day celebration in Tubah Sub-Division, Northwest Region of Cameroon. According to many in Tubah, since Masango Metugue Narcise became Divisional Officer for Tubah some years ago, National Day celebrations like February 11th (National Youth Day) and Reunification Day have continued to be observed, despite the ongoing Anglophone crisis in the region. On May 20th, which is celebrated as Unity Day in Cameroon, the DO and his team mobilized hundreds of people for the celebrations. They gathered at the University of Bamenda sports field to commemorate Cameroon's 52nd Reunification anniversary, presided over by the Divisional Officer. The event included an ecumenical service led by Pastor Boris, who offered prayers for the return

NW Communication Delegate Honored At Unity Day Celebration, Receives Medal Of Merit

NW Governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique Decorating NW Regional Communication Boss, Njike Celestine  By Raymond Dingana  On Monday, May 20, 2024, the Regional Delegate of Communication for the North West, Njike Célestine Atadebe, was decorated with the Cameroon Order of Merit medal. The ceremony took place at the Bamenda Commercial Avenue Grand Stand, presided over by the North West Governor, H.E. Lele l'Afrique, representing the President of the Republic of Cameroon. In his remarks to the press, the Regional Delegate expressed gratitude for this recognition of his 14 years of dedicated service to the State of Cameroon. He viewed the medal as a strong signal from the government to continue working hard.  "It is a very strong signal by the State; incarnated by the President of the Republic telling me, continue working harder and harder, i am seeing you,"  said Njike Celestine. Njike Celestine's public service career includes 4 years at the central Ministry of Communication,

US Embassy-CAMASEJ Investigative Journalism Workshop Equips Journalists For Task Ahead

Family Photo Taken At The Workshop In Douala  By Raymond Dingana  A two-day workshop on Investigative Journalism was recently held in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. The workshop, organized by the United States Embassy in Cameroon and the Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ), aimed to strengthen the skills of  journalists practicing in the country.  Participants expressed their readiness to delve deeper into investigative reporting and deliver better stories after acquiring new knowledge and skills. The workshop brought together journalists from various regions of Cameroon, including the North West, South West, Center, Littoral, South, and West. Renowned experts in the field, such as Franklin Sone Bayen, Prof Rosemary Shafack, Pierre Le Grand Nka, Armelle Sitchoma, and Amindeh Blaise Atabong, shared their insights and expertise with the participants. Bamba Séne, Professional Associate At The United States Embassy in Cameroon Bamba Séne, a Professiona

At first official visit: SDF Chairman Uses CPDM's Limitations To Win Over NW Population

Photo Credit: News Watch: SDF Chairman Joshua Osih In Bamenda  By Raymond Dingana  During his first official visit to Bamenda as National Chairman of the opposition Social Democratic Front, (SDF), Hon Joshua Osih fired missiles at the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement,(CPDM), for failing to resolve the deadly conflict which has so far claimed over 6,000 lives in the Anglophone regions of the country. He said however that hope is not lost as the opposition party is waxing strong, has the key to unlock the deadlock surrounding the drawn-out conflict, and can resolve the socio-political crisis in 100 days after taking over power. “The SDF is the best placed political party to usher in a political solution to the Anglophone crisis. We are confident of our capacity to bring that change but for that to happen, we must be in position of power not in the position of an opposition party,”  said Chairman Osih. He said Cameroonians should hold the party in power, the CPDM, and its lead

North West Regional News Round Up Season 16

Compiled By Raymond Dingana Two Day Ghost Town Operation Crumble Economic Activities In Bamenda A two days ghost town operation imposed by separatist fighters has dealt a heavy blow to economic activities in Bamenda. The population has been indoors for the past two days for fear of the unknown. Few persons could be seen selling mostly perishables at some of the markets around town. The transport sector was also hit as only a handful of bikes were circulating, but no yellow taxis were on the road. Empty Streets In Bamenda   138th Edition Of Labour In Bamenda More Of Public Sector Affair The 138th edition of the international labour day has come and gone but the dust raised is your to settle. Activities at the Bamenda Commercial Avenue Grandstand were described as a Public Sector affair by many who said the absence of the informal sector cost the day the splendour it used to have. This was not the case some years back before the Anglophone Crisis went deadly. The few that answered presen

NWR: EU Youth Sounding Board Empowers Young People, Encourages Voter Registration

Family Photo Taken At The EU Exchange Program  By Raymond Dingana The European Union Youth Sounding Board (YSB) organized a one-day youth exchange program in Bamenda on April 26, 2024, bringing together over 200 young individuals from the North West Region of Cameroon.  The program aimed to address the challenges faced by young people in accessing European Union (EU) opportunities and promote voter registration. During the YSB exchange program, participants were introduced to a wide range of life-changing opportunities provided by the European Union.  These opportunities included scholarships such as the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and the Fullbright Scholarship, as well as grants and other forms of support. EU Delegation At The Event Resource persons at the event raised awareness about the various EU opportunities available to young people and encouraged them to take advantage of these opportunities.  The importance of elections and youth participation in shaping policies, laws, and th

Bamendankwe: Sky Limit International To Alleviate Water Crisis at Asah & Julia Memorial Academic Complex

Sky Limit International CEO Addressing Students of Asah&Julia Memorial Academic Complex By Raymond Dingana  Asah & Julia Memorial Academic Complex located at Bamendankwe village, Bamenda I Sub Division, Northwest Region of Cameroon has been grappling with a severe water crisis since its inception. The situation has caused significant hardships for its students who are forced to either carry water bottles to school or endure long journeys in search of this essential resource. The water crisis has had a detrimental impact on the teaching and learning process within the campus.  Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Sky Limit International has stepped in to ensure a steady supply of portable water, a near luxury for the institution. "The situation is dire. Sometimes, we have to rely on portable water from the Presbyterian church nearby. The borehole promised by Sky Limit International is truly a blessing," said Mr. Forche Gregory, the Principal of the institution. Mr