Bamenda III Council Arson Attack: Mayor Fongu, Fon Azehfor III React
Structure Before Attack(L) Structure After Attack(R) By Raymond Dingana Inhabitants of the Bamenda III Municipality are still devastated seeing what they baptized their beautiful ceremonial hall whose elegance was elevated just of recent lying in ruins after an arson attack, Saturday September 30th. Amongst those whose hearts are broken following the incident is the mayor of the Bamenda III Council, Fongu Cletus Tanwie and Fon Azehfor III of Nkwen. Bamenda III Burnt Ceremonial Hall Visiting the affected structures, Mayor Fongu said no amount of attack will disturb the normal functioning of the council because they are only out to serve the community irrespective of political, religious, ethnic and cultural background. "We are employing measures to guarantee a smooth continuation of council activities rendered to the needy population. We will not allow the fire-raising to deprive the people of council services," Fongu Cletus told drayinfos. He continued that, "The well