Hon Agho Oliver Preaches Forgiveness, Donates Didactic Material To Kids.
By Raymond Dingana “ My dear brothers and sisters, I sincerely appeal to you today, to look for a place in your hearts to forgive those who committed these atrocities on you people directly or indirectly in one way or the other. My dear people, the only way we can find mercy is when we respond to Jesus’ instructions in the Bible in Our Lord’s Prayer when he said, father forgive us as we also forgive those who have trespassed against us. So I appeal to you to forgive in order to be forgiven. ” Those were the words of the Hon. Member of Parliament for Bafut-Tubah Constituency during the handing over ceremony of school bags containing Exercise books, Pens, Pencils, Rulers, Face masks and many others to children of school going age from the four villages that make up Tubah Sub Division, Sunday September 27, 2020 at the esplanade of the office of the Divisional Officer. Hon Agho Oliver Handing School Needs To Children In Tubah In Preparation For Back To School. The Hon Mem