Men In Military Attires Attack Guneku Village, Loot Shops.
By Raymond Dingana. Reports from Guneku Village, Mbengwi Sub Division of the North West Region of Cameroon say, armed men dressed in military fatigue have attacked the village square looting shops as the population fleet in to the bushes, Saturday December 28, 2019. According to eye witness account, they came in armored cars armed to the teeth and ready for combat. The incursion in to Guneku actually disrupted the Tad Market said to be the last for the year 2019 as many traders and buyers were forced to make a U -Turn back to where they were coming from. In a telephone conversation with Mr. Charles from his hiding place in a bush, the incursion was unprovoked given that, they have been living without any issues before they came under attack from men in military attires. “ We don’t want trouble; we were just in the market trying to sell one or two things to take care of our families. They came in their armored cars causing everyone to flee in to the bushes. They destroyed