Intertainment: Bamenda Population Embarks On Healing Process Through Musical Concerts

Population Of Bamenda Dancing To The Rhythm Of Good Music By Raymond Dingana They came in their thousands to shake off the pain they are going through because of the war ravaging lives in the two English Speaking regions of Cameroon. Thanks to 237 PeaceMaker, a Live concert with Bamenda based talents baptised HOPE DEY to was organized to instill hope in the population took place Sunday January 29,2023 at the Blue Pearl Plaza in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon. Music stars like Tilla, Ezbiye,M-ice, K-virus,Aloysa, Ella amonsgt others have been treating music lovers to good tracks forcing many to take to the floor and dance like they have never done before. I feel like a new kind of energy has been injected in to my system, i feel like i have just been taken out of a dark cage. We need more of such events in order to deliver us from the agony of war, Musi Noela tells With such events coming up more often, there are those who believe that it will gi...