
Showing posts from August, 2022

Peace Building: Achidi Achu Foundation Builds Peace Through Football In Santa

Achi Jude Handing Prizes To Teams That Took Part In The Football Match By Raymond Dingana The Achidi Achu Foundation, a Non Governmental Organization based in Santa Sub Division, North West Region of Cameroon has used football to contribute to a return to peace in the Sub Division. This was during the just ended holiday football competition the organization organized for the population of Santa that wrapped up last Sunday August 28,2022. Baptized the Achi Achu Foundation Football,  the competition that had 8 teams battling for the top spot also brought together Santa sons and daughters from far and near. The football jamboree was also organized in memory of the late former Prime Minister of Cameroon, Simon Achidi Achu who traveled to the world beyond on May 4, 2021. The games were also aimed at promoting Social Integration and Education, promote Social cohesion, reduce Social and Gender-based violence, amongst others. Achidi Jude And Other Dignitaries Watching The Final Match Of The

Conflict Resolution: Expert Prescribes Nonviolent Communication

Archive Picture For Demonstration By Raymond Dingana The role Nonviolent Communication (NVC) plays in conflicts resolution cannever be over emphasized. Many have baptised it as the magic wand that can trigger a return to peace in a crisis infested area like the two Anglophone regions of North West and South West Regions of Cameroon. This is because NVC is the total opposite of Violent Communication which is the reason why conflicts like the war in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon have escalated. Marshall Rosenberg who is the initiator of Nonviolent Communication said, If both sides understand the needs of the people that they see as rivals, it is possible to resolve every conflict in the world within 20 minutes. Experts have also explained that NVC is out to promote Nonviolence in all aspects of life especially the way communication between people is conducted. It is also out to promote empathy and compassion among the population. According to Conflict Resolution Expert, Dr. Bamnjo H

DDR Bamenda : Ex-fighters Among Successful GCE Candidates

By Raymond Dingana Some ex-combattants who once fought against the state of Cameroon in the war ravaging lives in the two Anglophone regions of the North West and South West of the country have registered successes in the just released results of exams organized by the Cameroon General Certificate of Education, GCE Board. The repentant separatist fighters currently at the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Center, DDR Bamenda sat in for both the Ordinary and Advanced Levels part of the examination and two succeeded out of the five that  wrote the exam. Sevidzem Beri, Former Member Of Non State Armed Group Who Succeeded In The June Session Of The GCE 26-year-old Sevidzem Beriy who says she is two years old at the DDR Center from a non state armed group in Donga Mantung, a Division in the Anglophone North West Region is one of the successful candidates who pocketed three Advanced Level papers with 6 points in the A1 series made up of ( History, French, English Literature and

Dr. Bailack Proposes Solutions To Land Based Resource Conflicts In Record Breaking PhD Defense

Dr.Bailack By Sah Terence Animbom. Recent inter tribal conflicts in the North West Region of Cameroon have been linked to issues of land based resource management policies. Poor management strategies, non involvement of community stakeholders in major decision making processes as well as administrative laxity and complecency have been identified as some of the major causes of conflicts and environmental hazards in the region. Defending a PhD thesis titled "Geographical considerations and management of land based resources in Bui Division " on Tuesday August 9, at the University of Bamenda, Bailack Kevin Mbuh, now Dr. Bailack exrayed the land based resource management systems in the country while proposing effective conflict management strategies in land based resource management. He proposes the holistic approach to conflict management, an approach that places the indigenous populations at the centre of the exercise. Dr. Bailack Defend His Thesis To him, conflicts can be grea

Education: Hamza Danpullo, ASSOPEN Encourage Back To School In Bamenda II

By Raymond Dingana The Association for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship (ASSOPEN) under the sponsorship of Hon.Hamza Baba Danpullo of the North West Regional Assembly (NWRA) has donated school needs to the Old Town Community in Bamenda II, North West Region of Cameroon. The donation of school bags, books, pens, pencils among others came barely weeks to the start of the 2022/2023 academic year. Some Of The Items Destined For The Children During the distribution exercise at Old Town in Bamenda, Friday August 19,2022, the First Deputy Mayor of the Bamenda City Council, Chi David Ndoh invited the beneficiaries to make good use of the items, Chi David Ndoh At The Event In Old Town Don't collect the items and keep them at home. Make sure you resume school come September 5th, he said and added that, parents should encourage their children go to school. Education is all what a child needs to be a better person tomorrow. Also present at the event was the Divisional Officer (D.O) for Bamend

Public Health: No Hidout For Unlawful Drug Dealers

By Raymond Dingana Dealers in prohibited drugs in the Bamenda II area of the North West Region of Cameroon are in to seroius trouble as their activities are being watched from all angles. A Task Force has also been created to give dealers in fake and expired drugs a bloody nose and safe the population from any harm. In one of its outings, the team led by Nicolas Nkongho Manchang Divisional Officer, D.O of Bamenda II was able to impound a good quantity of these products he describes as slow poison. Worth about FCFA 10 Million, the confiscated and illicit medications were set ablaze around the D.O's office recently.  Consignment Of Seized Drugs Going Up In Flames As pointed out by Manchang, the reason behind the move which he says will continue is to protect the population against harmful products which have inundated the markets, We notice that fake and expired drugs alongside other harmful ones like tramadole are being sold in our markets. we proceeded to create a task force to fig

North West Region: Why Thousands Of Pupils Are Without Birth Certificate

Joined Celebration Of 11 African Day Of Decentralization And 5th African Day Of Civil Status Registration In Bamenda By Raymond Dingana The North West Regional Chief of the National Bureau of Civil Status known in it's French acronym as BUNEC, Levi Fongen Neba says the current socio political crisis ravaging the two Anglophone regions of Cameroon is the reason why close to 60.320 (Sixty thousand, three hundred and twenty) Pupils are without birth certificates in the region.  BUNEC Regional Boss, Levi Fongen Neba Facing The Press After The Event The BUNEC boss for the region revealed the statistics Wednesday 10 August 2022 during the 11 African Day of Decentralization and Local Developement and the 5th African Day of Civil Status Registration in Bamenda. Sixty thousand, three hundred and sixty pupils are schooling without birth certificates. This situation is really disturbing and this is due to the fact that most of them fled their homes because of insecurity, Levi intimated. As a

Inside North West Region: Latest News from The Region, Season 14

  Compiled By Raymond Dingana Crowd Justice Send One To Premature Grave A suspected member of a gang that has been terrorizing inhabitants of Bamenda III in Nkwen and beyond has been beaten to death at Mbelem, a neighborhood in that sub division, North West Region of Cameroon. Reports say they were three in number when the population stormed their hideout when they were in a deep slumber. The door was forced opened and the three boys pulled out. One managed to escape while two were not that fortunate. One could not withstand the severe pain he got from the pounding and had to give up the ghost. The other was rescued by security forces while one managed to break away from the mob. Latest reports say the unresponsive body of the young man that was lying around fire wood junction at mile 6 Nkwen has been retrieved by family members. Mobile phones, computers and other items were discovered in their keeping. It is not clear if they were in possession of any weapon[s] or not. Suspected Sepa