Mobile Fiscal Stamps Abolish In Cameroon.

By Raymond Dingana. The North West Regional Tax Controller has announced that, Mobile Fiscal Stamps have been permanently abolished thereby giving priority to Franking stamps. He made the announcement recently at the Conference Room of MINEPAT at Up Station Bamenda during the launching ceremony of the Public Investment Budget for the NWR. He added that, 56 Franking Machines arrived the region recently to fill the gap created by the absence of the Mobile Fiscal Stamps. He furthered that, in areas where electricity is a problem, solar energy will take care of the situation. Though electricity is said to be a handicap to the whole process, the NW Regional Tax Controller says, the greatest problem faced now is the insecurity that reigns in the region as a result of the socio-political crisis that is greatly affecting day to day life in the NWR. He says those Franking Machines are very expensive and that, they can even be vandalized or seized in the course of moving the machines ...