
Showing posts matching the search for GENDER ISSUES

COMAGEND Collaborates With Media, Community Spokespersons To Strengthen SRHR Advocacy

Media, Community Spokespersons Strategizing On Strengthening SRHR Advocacy  By Raymond Dingana In the months ahead, the alliance between Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND), Media professionals, and Community spokespersons is set to bolster sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) advocacy in selected neighborhoods of Bamenda in a bid to tear down barriers to SRHR in the community. These three advocates have taken it upon themselves to educate communities on sexual health rights, toxic masculinity, and other forms of gender-based violence plaguing today's communities. Participants At The Workshop The decision to form this alliance against societal norms that pose barriers to SRHR services was made during a one-day gathering organized by COMAGEND for media professionals and community spokespersons at the conference room of Bamenda II. The discussion session, facilitated by COMAGEND's Executive Director, Sally Mboumien, addressed critical topics like toxic masculi

Journalists, Bloggers , CSOs Gain Skills On Human Rights Issues.

By Raymond Dingana. During the workshop that took place, Thursday October 31, 2019 at the Conference Hall of the Regional Hospital in Bamenda that brought together Journalists, Bloggers and Civil Society Organizations, one of the facilitators, Digital Rights Activist, Rosaline Akah Obah schooled participants on the basic principles of Human Rights Vis-à-vis Digital Rights in Africa and Cameroon in particular . “ Human rights are standards that allow all people to live with  D ignity, F reedom, E quality, J ustice , and  P eace.   She also said, Digital R ights  are those  Human Rights  and Legal Rights that allow individuals to access, use, create, and publish  Digital  media online. Access to the internet should be affordable and available; there should be freedom of expression online, Gender equality among other Rights”. Rosaline Akah Obah said.                                                 Family Photo Of Participants At The Work Shop.                

Environmental Conversation: CAMGEW Celebrates Vital Role Of Bees, Advocates For Their Urgent Protection

L-R:Family Photo Taken At The Event, Bees Carrying Out Cross Pollination  By Raymond Dingana  The importance of bees-winged insects closely related to wasps, and ants known for their pivotal role in pollination goes beyond just producing honey for consumption, and other purposes, conservationists say. This explains why the United Nations proclaimed May 20th as World Bee Day which aims to raise awareness on the importance of pollinators, the threats they face, and their contributions to sustainable development. During a Panel discussion in Bamenda to celebrate World Bee Day, and World Biodiversity Day, Thursday May 23,2024, conservationists suggested that because man's existence depends on the continued presence of bees, all must be done to ensure they never go extinct. Conservationists At The Panel Discussion   The panel discussion was organized by a local Non Governmental Organization, (Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch) CAMGEW whose team lead, Mr Wirsy Emmanuel Binyuy describ

Ntambang Community Unites In Fight Against Female Genital Mutilation

Community Spokesperson Talking To Community Members At Old Town By Raymond Dingana The inhabitants of Mtambang, commonly referred to as Old Town in the Bamenda II Council area of the North West Region of Cameroon, have committed themselves to the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM). They assert that this practice remains prevalent in some communities throughout the region and across Cameroon. Their involvement at this critical time is driven by the negative impact this age-old cultural practice has on women. For over a month, community spokespersons in the Ntambang neighborhood, commonly known as Old Town in the Bamenda II council area, have been conducting a door-to-door sensitization campaign against Gender-Based Violence (GBV).  The campaign addresses critical issues such as Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH), toxic masculinity, and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) amongst others.Community spokespersons are dedicated to educating residents on these important topics.  During o

CHRAPA Inaugurates Para-Legal Center In Nkwen To Monitor Human Rights Violations.

By Raymond Dingana in Bamenda. The Center for Human Right and Peace Advocacy  –CHRAPA has inaugurated a Para-Legal Center and handed over to the population of Mbelem, a locality in mile six Nkwen, Bamenda III Sub Division of the NWR of Cameroon. During the inauguration and handing over ceremony, Sunday October 20 th , 2019 at Mbelem, mile six Nkwen, the coordinator of CHRAPA, Mr. Tata Nelson called on the population to make judicious use of the Para-Legal center put at their disposal by CHRAPA to take care of human right issues among others. He also told the inhabitants of Mbelem that, though the Para-Legal center is based in Nkwen, it doesn’t mean others from different areas cannot benefit from the services the center will be offering. Mr. Tata Wilson also encouraged the beneficiaries to report all cases of Gender Based Violence including Rape, Battery, Child Abused, and many others to the center saying they should not to be afraid to do so because no one will ever know they did.

16 Days Activism Against GBV: NKumu Fed Fed Takes Lead, Brings Onboard Community Communicators

By Raymond Dingana At a time when women continue to wallow in pain as a result of Gender Based Violence (GBV) perpetrated on them, efforts have are being escalated to remedy the situation. During activities to launch this year's campaign against GBV baptized '16 Days Activism To End Violence Against Women And Girls,' Nkumu Fed Fed, with funds from the European Union EU trained and equipped 30 community communicators, Friday November 24. According to the President General of Nkumu Fed Fed, Unice Tita Tata, the stakes are high and much is expected from the participants. "We brought together community communicators, leaders, and traditional authorities to brainstorm on how to amplify the fact that GBV is a crime so that those venturing into the act should know what awaits them," She said and further explained that, "Now it is even an opportunity because the feedback is also extremely important that those who are already victims, we would transform them to survi

SNWOT:Female Community Leaders Brainstorm On Peace Building Strategies

By Raymond Dingana They came from the seven divisions of the Northwest region of Cameroon and assembled at the Faith Building at Ntarikon, Wednesday January 16,2022 with just one thing in mind, 'Peace Building'. Grouped in two working clusters on a Focus Group Discussion on Peace, Negotiation/Mediation and Barriers/Challenges Women face in effectively engaging in Peace-building processes in Cameroon, the women sat and followed the deliberations with undivided attention. They were eager to participate and that was exactly what they did. They shared ideas on the challenges conflict hit societies face,  adopted strategies to better function as peace builders especially when met with stumbling blocks. All these were coordinated by Mankah Tabuwe Akwo, head of Communication and Advocacy lead. They also identified areas that are fertile grounds for seeds of discord to grow which include famer grazier, friction in the area of humanitarian responds, family issues, tagging, just to name