Combatting NCDs: Health Personnel Lead By Example, Use Sports To Arrest Diseases

BRH FC By Raymond Dingana Health officials have always prescribed sporting activities as one of the ways to put Non Communicable Diseases(NCDs) under check. This explains why a football encounter to raise awareness on the silent killers (NCDs) took place between the Football Clubs of health personnel of the Bamenda Regional Hospitals (BRH FC) and those of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS FC) on Saturday June 24th all in a bid to sound the alarm bell that NCDs are still around. As pointed out by both team presidents, Mr.Ngunjuah Franklen and Dr. Eldren of BRH FC and CBCHS FC respectively, it was an opportunity to communicate healthily through sports and enjoy the camaraderie that exist between the two health institutions. The good collaboration we have in healthcare provision in the region cannot be seen just within the hospital premises. We decided to take it out of that space to talk it professionally on football pitch, said the president of the CBCHS...