Bamenda: Armed Men Kill Person With Disability

By Raymond Dingana A man whose name we got as Ndifor has been killed by armed men around Church Center, a neighborhood in Bamenda II Sub Division of the embarttered North West Region of Cameroon. Ndifor who was the owner of a Provision store at Mile 90 Nsongwa around a military check point was killed on Friday at about 7:30pm. His lifeless body with bullet wounds and a shattered head was discovered near his wheelchair. Ndifor Lying In The Pool Of His Own Blood After He Was Shot. "He was picked up on his way back from his shop at mile 90. They accused him of being an informant and selling goods to soldiers," someone familiar with the incident told Video and audio clips have been animating the social media with some of the speakers blaming the Cameroon military while others said Ndifor was killed by men on board a motor bike. This is not the first time Persons with Disabilities are targeted in the ongoing war rocking the North West and South West Regions ...