At Master's Defense: Bongo Linda Etongwe Champions Better Access to Primary Health Care In Cameroon

Bongo Linda Etongwe At Her Master's Degree Defense By Raymond Dingana Bongo Linda Etongwe has called on authorities to enhance the accessibility and affordability of Primary Health Care (PHC) for the population. She highlighted that millions of Cameroonians are living in abject poverty, making it challenging for them to afford healthcare services, which she described as a significant issue. Etongwe explained that PHC is a comprehensive approach to health that emphasizes the overall well-being of individuals and communities. It aims to provide accessible, affordable, and quality health services to everyone, particularly underserved populations. Bongo Linda Etongwe With Members Of Jury After Successfully Defending Her Master's Degree Thesis Her Master's Degree thesis was on Public Health Policies, Community Engagement, and Access to Primary Health Care, focusing on the case of Ngongsamba in the Moungo Division of the Littoral Region of Cameroon defended at the Bamenda branc...