Bamenda: Bike Riders Accuse Authorities Of Indulging In Anti-Peace Projects

Achived Picture: Commercial Avenue, Bamenda

By Raymond Dingana

Commercial bike riders in the restive Northwest Regional Capital of Bamenda have accused authorities of indulging in anti-peace moves by instituting a move to impound bikes in the town.

The bone in the throat here is the confistication of hundreds of bikes by security forces in a move that started last July 7,2022 without any prior notification.

The riders whose activities have grately been affected by the ongoing war rocking the two restive regions of the country say they are facing some of the most challenging moments of their lives triggered by the confistication of what they describe as their only source of leaving.

Archived Photo: Bamenda Town

The exercise has stalled circulation in Bamenda,a situation that has been compounded by deplorable roads.

Exercise Leaves Hundreds Unemployed

The seizure of motor bikes, the bikers said has rendered many of them jobless with no other means to provide for their families. Many have lamented that their families are now starving because of the seizure of their bikes. With tears running down his cheeks, one of the victims explained what he went through to acquire the bike that has been taken away,
I worked in construction sites, i hawked bread in Douala and did other menial jobs just to raise money for the bike. We were never warned, nothing was said about places we should not venture in to,yet they just came out and started collecting our bikes at gun point. How will i take care of my family? Manfred Lamented.

Population Arraign Government For Radicalizing Youths

Many have expressed regrets at the current state of affairs in the region noting that most youth who have  been thinking of joining peace efforts are being radicalized more by the seizure of bikes.
Where do you think these guys will go to, they will simple embrace other sources of livelihood whether good or bad. Their bikes were a source of distraction from evil deeds and a livelihood. The authorities have just given them a reason to become bad citizens whose activities will be of no good to the society, a civil society activists who opted for anonymity said.

Bikers Indicted For Enabling Crime

On the other hand, authorities of the town of Bamenda have on many occasions accussed bike riders of being accomplices to the rising crime wave in Bamenda and the region as a whole. According to them, most of the acts committed by separatist fighters are done on motor bikes.

The population of Bamenda is anxiously waiting for an official outing by the authorities on why motor bikes are being empounded in the town of Bamenda.


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