Man Whose Kids Died Weeks Ago Is Killed By Gunmen In Awing

Remains Of Sara's Hilux Vehicle Burnt After He And One Other Were Killed In Awing By Gun Men

By Raymond Dingana

Sara as he was popularly called was still mourning the passing away of his two kids who died of food poisoning weeks ago when his own time came, Thursday November 24,2022 in Awing.

Sara who was president of the Awing Drivers' Union went out before sunrise to hustle for his family not knowing he was embarking on a journey of no return.

Little did he know armed men with ill-intensions had plans to waste his life and were waiting for him knowing fully well he would drive pass that area to Bamenda as usual.

He was with a passenger, another family head in his Hilux vehicle when they came under attack from gun men whose identities have not yet been revealed.

Both were shot and they died on the spot while the Hilux vehicle was set afire by the gunmen.

We also gathered that the wife has not been able to console herself after the news of her husband's demise filtered in to her ears.

Still putting on sad cloths after death snatched her two children in the month of October this year in what health officials say was food poisoning, she would have to extend her mourning period to sorrow over yet another loved one of hers this time around, her husband.

Sources in Awing say the population is yet to come to terms with the death of Sara the transporter.

A friend of his who because of the shock wept like a baby said,
"We use to be together at devil street, commercial avenue where we share palm win and eat Achu. He was a hard-working man whose only wish was see his family happy. We have not even finished consoling the wife after they lost their children, now we have to comfort the wife again because her husband is nomore,"he said as tears ran down his cheeks.
Civilians have continued to pay the ultimate price as politicians seem not interested in seeking long lasting solutions to a crisis that continues to ravage lives on a daily basis.

Few days ago, gunmen shot dead a retired uniform officer in his bar at Sisia, Nkwen Bamenda while a corpse of a young man was discovered at Azere New Church with hands tied behind.


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