CBC Health Services Introduces Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Machine

Director Of CBCHS, Prof. Tih Pius Mufih And Collaborators At The ED1000 Device Dedication Ceremony

By Raymond Dingana

The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) has injected a new medical device, first of it's kind in the medical landscape of the country called ED1000 to treat Vascular Erectile Dysfunction. 

Vasculogenic Erectile Dysfunction, a medical condition where a man is unable to have or keep an erection firm enough for sexual entercourse can now be treated at Nkwen Baptist Hospital in Bamenda,North West Region of Cameroon.

Director Of CBCHS, Prof.Tih Pius Mufih And Team At The ED1000 Device Dedication Ceremony

While presenting the machine to the public at the Nkwen Baptist Hospital in Bamenda, Friday December 16,2022, the Director of CBCHS,Prof. Tih Pius Mufih explained that cases of Erectile Dysfunction have been flooding the hospital at a time when they could not provide much help but there is good news now.

We have been having cases of Erectile Dysfunction come here which we believe the machine we are dedicating here today is going to be a solution. We have been noticing such cases at our Diabetes and Cadiovascular Centers in Nkwen Baptist Hospital and other health institutions of the CBCHS, Prof.Tih said.

On the question as to who can benefit from the services of ED1000,Prof. Tih pointed out that only a medical screening could tell,

All those with Erectile Dysfunction should come and be screened because it is only after screening that the doctors will know whether they can go through this therapy or not.

In his presentation during the ED1000 dedication ceremony in one of the morning devotion rooms of CBCHS, Dr. Adekole who flew in to Cameroon with the device from the United States of America explained that 50% of men age 40 and above suffer Erectile Dysfunction but hardly talk about it. Many he said have been on drugs which only treat symptoms and cause low esteem in men. 

Dr. Adekole, The Speacilist Who Brought The Machine From The United States Of America

He also explained that the causes of Erectile Dysfunction are organic and non-organic. Non-organic Dr.Adekole explained are caused by Depression,Anxiety,Conflict with partners amongst others while Organic cases which the machine handles are caused by Diabetes,Hypertension, Heart disease, just to name but these.

All What You Should Know About The New Wonder In World Of Medicine,ED1000.

What is ED1000?

ED1000 is a small device that delivers soundwaves called low intensity shockwaves to the penis and stimulates receptor  repair and development of new blood vessels to help regain strong erectile function.​​

How does the technology work?

A certain frequency of  shock waves are focused onto the treatment area triggering the release of chemical messengers that promote blood vessel repair and new blood vessell receptors.  Shockwave therapy is approved in over 20 countries The device was developed in Israel by Medispec, the innovators for this technology and who own several patents for its use.

Will it work for me?

Men with blood vessel problems (vascular dysfunction) will be the best candidates. 80% of all erectile dysfunction cases are related to blood vessel problems. ED-1000 is effective in most of these cases, even when other treatments were not successful.  This includes those with damage from advancing age, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, long term smoking, long term alcohol use, certain medications, obesity and chronic inflammation.

Why would I choose the ED1000 over other ED treatments?

Patients with treatment responses to ED1000 do not need to use medications (pills or injections) to get an erection suitable for intercourse. This means you do not need to rely on medications, take them before sex, or have to deal with side effects and the expense of ED medications.

In addition, for men who cannot take some ED medications due to interactions with other drugs, this can be an excellent treatment choice.

How are treatments delivered and what is the schedule?

A small device that looks like an ultrasound probe is placed against the penis. You will have no discernible sensation during the treatment apart from the device contact.

Each treatment session is approximately 20 minutes long. The entire treatment protocol consists of several sessions, which are conducted over few weeks.

How soon can improvement be noticed? How long will it last?

You may notice a clear improvement within the first 6 sessions of your treatment. Our patients report that the high rate of satisfaction lasts for more than a year after completing the treatment course– without reliance on medications.

Will treatments need to be repeated in the future?

Generally, following the initial series of treatments, no additional treatments are required. However, the treatment can be repeated as often as necessary, since it is non-invasive, painless, and there are no side-effects.

Is shockwave therapy safe?

Yes, the treatment is completely safe. It is non-invasive, and no medications are used. There are no reported side-effects.


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