Bamenda: Population Protests Killing Of Civilian By Uniform Officer


Cross Section Of Protesting Crowd At Up Station 

By Raymond Dingana

The early hours of Thursday April 4,2024 was a tensed one at the Bamenda I council area following the stabbing to death of the young man identified as Junior Awazi popularly known as BJ by a uniform officer in civilian attire.

The incident happened in the early hours of Wednesday breaking Thursday April 4 in a beer parlor at Up Station, Bamenda I Council area.

The population was out in the streets expressing their grievances demanding justice for the slain young man.

" It all started when the uniform officer in civilian attire wounded a girl's hand after she rejected his love advances. BJ intervene and the officer stabbed him three times and that was his end,"

narrates a witness who spoke to drayinfos on the basis of anonymity.

Other sources say the uniform man requested to have a talk with BJ after he was  prevented from talking to lady.

It is not clear what later happened between the two that caused the officer to use his 'service knife' on BJ before disappearing in to thin air.

Thursday morning saw an angry mob perturbing traffic at Governor's Junction up demanding justice for their friend.

Some of the protesters stormed the suspect's residence around GBHS Bamendankwe  where they forced open his door, brought out his belongings, and set them ablaze as indicated by another witness.

"They were forced to leave when soldiers intervened, the same soldiers who did nothing when the young man was stabbed,"

 said Kamdem, a native of Up Station.

We gathered at press time that relative calm now reigns in Bamenda I, though there are visible signs that the population is still angry.

Protesting Crowd 

It's not clear if their demands for justice would be met given that this is not the first time uniform officers are accused of killing unarmed civilians, with little or no information  as to whether the preparators were punished or not.

There has been no official statement from the North West Administration on the killing.


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