Inside North West Region on DrayInfos; SEASON SIX.

 Two civilians, one Police Officer Killed in Bafut.

Numerous Security Checks Milking Bamenda Denizens Dry.

Bamenda Witnessing Hike in Transport Fare As Bikes Are Restricted.

Bamenda Populace Awaits Buses Promised By City Council.

Mourners Wounded In Ghastly Accident Babanki.

Road Accident leaves one seriously wounded.


By Raymond Dingana

Anglophone Crisis: Two civilians, one Police Officer Killed in Bafut


hock and consternation is still the order of the day in Bafut following the shooting to death of two civilians by those eye witnesses say were elements of the Cameroon military. According to sources from Obang, a locality in lower Bafut where the two were killed, Valentine and another man popularly known as Benzema died on the spot. Family members could be seen rolling in the mud in pain crying and asking how humans could take the lives of others like they were birds. This came after a police officer was killed at a checkpoint at around mile 10-Bafut road by suspected Ambazonia fighters. They have been no word from the traditional leadership of Bafut, the Mayor, the military and the North West administration.

One Of Those Killed In Bafut

Human Right Abuses: Numerous Security Checks Milking Bamenda Denizens Dry


amenda denizens have been complaining that, the forces of law and order have been milking them dry despite the fact that, they have not been able to engage in any meaningful economic activity for months now. Some say, with the ongoing war, nothing is moving yet, uniform officers with all the financial advantages they have from their masters, are still bent to further plunge the population to abject poverty. Talking to DrayInfos, a cab driver said, he came across seven security checks from Bali to Hospital Roundabout in Bamenda, another say there were nine from Bamenda town to Bambili, while Bamenda-Santa road had seven on Saturday and Sunday when the population was allowed to go out and get some air after staying indoors for weeks. They all said, if they are there to make sure they population is save, then it is a welcomed idea but since they are out to extort from the already impoverished people, that is where the problem is. As usual, the administration of the NWR has always turned a deaf ear to all these cries.

Transportation: Bamenda Witnessing Hike in Transport Fare As Bikes Are Restricted.


ome cab drivers in Bamenda, chief town of the North West Region of Cameroon have taken advantage of the absence of motor bikes to raise transport fare. From mobile Nkwen to city chemist, a lady was charged 400FCFA .From city chemist to Bambili, drivers are charging 1000FCFA while from Commercial Avenue to up station, and passengers are charged to pay 500FCFA. A cab driver is said to have mocked at a woman who could not pay the demanded amount from Nkwen to City Chemist asking her to take a bike even though he was well informed that, bikes are not to be seen around the urban perimeters of the town.

Urban Circulation: Bamenda Populace Awaits Buses Promised By City Council.

They say with the difficulties faced on a daily basis as far as movement of goods and persons is concerned, they can only wish that, the buses promised them by the Bamenda City Council hit the streets and safe them from the transportation quagmire that has befallen them. They say cab drivers have taken advantage of the restriction on bikes to exploit them hoping that; the coming of the buses will ease the pain. They have not also stopped wishing that, something be done about the bike issues because to them, movement will not still be as before with the coming of the buses.

Crime: Suspected Child Thief Caught and Administered Mob Justice.


 Young man has been caught and given snake beatings at the Sisia 04 neighborhood in Bamenda. According to Thomas who was an eye witness, the boy could not say who the child was and where he was heading to with the child. Mokom further explained that, the suspect was only rescued by the forces of law and order who whisked him off for further investigations.

Road Transport: Road Accident leaves one seriously wounded.


 Commercial bike rider is currently responding to treatments in a hospital in Bamenda after he was crushed on his bike by a vehicle at the Ndamukong street neighborhood in the evening hours of Sunday September 20. Despite seeing him going through pain, onlookers spent time arguing as to who was wrong and who was right. Bike riders would later storm the scene forcing the driver of the car to take their colleague to the hospital. They also followed the vehicle to make sure the victim was taken to the hospital and all bills paid, one biker said.

Transport: Mourners Wounded In Ghastly Accident Babanki.


hey were on their way back from Fundong onboard a 19-seater bus when the driver lost control of the vehicle at   and it somersaulted many times. Though the accident was blamed on poor visibility because it was raining heavily, the driver was also accused of over loading the bus. A passenger who was on board said, they were thirty one people in the vehicle instead of nineteen including luggage. It was thanks to Doctors without Borders that, the victims were taken to the hospital.

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