Bambili:15-Year-Old Girl Goes Hungry To Safe Community From Water Crisis

By Colbert Gwain Kewoh Cynthia Faith,15 years of age is a Form II student of the Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology, CCAST Bambili in Mezam Division of the North West Region. She was born into a peasant family some 14 years ago. Growing up, she discovered one of her obligatory household chores was to fetch water for cooking, bathing and drinking. She would trek for long distance just to get the prescious liquid. Originally, it was an exciting exercise for young Kewoh Cynthia Faith as it gave her opportunity to commune with other children in the neighbourhood too and fro the water source. With population pressure, drought and uncertain climatic conditions, Cynthia Faith realized the original water source nearby was drying off and she would need to walk longer distances to fetch water for her personal and family use. When the Bambili Cultural and Development Association under the determined leadership of Eric Adangfung who doubles as Director General of the Upper...