
At SASDECOS AGM,Fru Jonathan Presents Lofty 2024 Projects , Preaches Dev't Oriented Politics

   Ntumfor Fru Johnathan Addressing SASDECOS Members At The AGM By Raymond Dingana Mr. Fru Jonathan described by the population of Santa as the father of the Santa System Development Cooperative Society, SASDECOS has said 2024 is pregnant with agricultural projects that would change the lives of the population of Santa and beyond. SASDECOS, birthed a year ago is a Cooperative created to improve on the lives of farmers by alleviating the difficulties they face day by day in producing crops, transporting and marketing them, Fru Jonathan told reporters in Santa, Saturday January 19,2024 during the Annual General Meeting AGM of the SASDECOS.  He said the cooperative may bear the name Santa but membership is not only Santa reason why there are members from other sub divisions and regions. Development Stakeholders In The NWR At SASDECOS AGM Among the projects to be executed this year, Fru Johnathan said: "We intend to construct a warehouse, and a feed production plant, thanks to the pie

ICT University Honours Superb APP Developers,Others

  Award Winning Students, Others In A Family Photo  By Raymond Dingana  Renowned and award winning higher institution of learning, ICT University has celebrated some of her best Program Applications Developers for their contributions to growth, Wednesday 17th January 2024 at the school campus in Yaounde. The celebrated students stood out at the just ended Forum for the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship known by its French acronym SIMPROME.  Among those who were recognized at the event was Nguena Zebs who developed an application known as  'Hustlin'  geared towards assisting visually impaired students  in their studies especially in the area of Information and Communication Technology, ICT. "We came up with this application because we noticed that so many visually impaired students abandoned studies because of the difficulties in following up lessons. So we are creating this application so that it will help them follow up lessons and not give up on them,"  said the H

CBCHS,H@H Partner With CAMASEJ Bamenda Against Cervical Cancer Amidst Alarming Figures

  Workshop Resource Persons, And Participants In Family Photo By Raymond Dingana Members of the Bamenda chapter of the Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ-B) have joined forces with the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services CBCHS, and Humanity at Heart International H@H to eliminate Cervical Cancer amidst frightening statistics. Cervical Cancer is ranked fourth most common form of  cancer and fourth leading cause of death amongst women in the world. It is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexual transmissible infection, and two types exist, the Low and High Risk types. The high risk type is the one that causes several types of cancer including cervical cancer. In Cameroon, it is ranked second and most common and leading cause of female cancer deaths in the country with 1,878 deaths of the 2,770 diagnosed cases in 2020. However, the good news is that cervical cancer is treatable if captured early enough, advocates for it's elimination

Insecurity:Bandits Target NWCA General Manager, Tim Waindim's Residence

  NWCA General Manager,Timothy Waindim Ntam By Raymond Dingana  Men of the under world have attacked the residence of the General Manager of the North West Cooperative Association (NWCA) Ltd, Timothy Waindim Ntam and made away with valuables including a TV set, an undisclosed amount of money, amongst others. The robbery incident took place in the evening hours of Friday 8 December 2023 at the Mkwase Quarter in Nkwen, Bamenda III Sub Division of the North West Region of Cameroon. When reporters arrived the crime scene, Saturday morning, they met a family shaken and terrified with fear written all over them. “They jumped over the fence, tied down the security guard before meeting us inside. With the guns they had, the only option left was to collaborate with them…. They collected money, valuables including the big TV in the sitting room.They even threatened to burn down the house,"  narrated one of the occupants of the house. Contacted via a messaging application app,    Timothy Wai

Commentary: Towards A Stable NW, SW & Far North; Biya’s Bold Appraisal

                President Paul Biya Of Cameroon Gains  made in  stabilizing  troubled regions in Cameroon especially the North West and South West Regions in the last five years have  been assessed from different perspectives. But today, it is becoming increasingly clear to everyone that the  government  President Paul Biya  put in place  since  January 2019, has  been writing its  name in gold  colours in the sands of time.  While  many have been looking at recovery  efforts made in the North West, South West and Far North Regions  differently, the most informed  Cameroonian, President Paul  Biya, has  given  a positive outlook  of  the road  covered. This was one of the major  points in  his message to the Nation on December 31, 2023.  President Paul  Biya was frank in situating that, the mark improvement in the social climate in the  English-speaking regions and the  Far North  Region were  the Boko Haram  terrorist sect had tried to ruin life is the product of a symbiosis between t

CNYC President, Fadimatou Prescribes Alliance Between NW Exco, Members For Greater Achievements

  CNYC NW President Mekom, and National President, CNYC, Fadimatou Iyawa Ousmanou By Raymond Dingana The National President of the Cameroon National Youth Council (CNYC), Fadimatou Iyawa Ousmanou says for North West (NW) bureau to attain her desired development goals, team work must come into play. She was speaking recently during the first ever Budget Orientation Debate session of the CNYC NW in Bamenda. This was after the the NW Regional President of the CNYC, Mekom Samuel presented a basket full of projects and a projected sum of above FCFA 840million intended to execute them all in a bid to better the lives of young persons in the region. To Fadimatou, if such an amount is ever going to come to fruition, it must be thanks to collaboration between the Exco and members of the Regional Bureau given that they only depend on state subventions to run their affairs. "I salute the NW Regional Bureau for having such a great proposal of what they are intending to do. Youths leaders need

Culture: Zang Tabi Fon's End Of Year Message To Population

HRM Fon T. T. Tabi Teghencha X oF Zang -Tabi, Clan Head oF Meta In his end of year message to his subjects, HRM Fon T. T. Tabi Teghencha X oF Zang -Tabi, Clan Head oF Meta, poured rose flowers on those he said contributed hugely to develop the village. He also advised MECUDA to stay away from politics in actions and in words. The traditional authority also used the opportunity to decry what he described as  Fulani harassments that have taken place all over the Meta land. Read details below: Dear Meta Citizens, As 2023 draws to a close, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the Fons of Meta, as well as all Meta citizens at home and abroad, that together, let us be proud of who we are as Enebeh Tewidikum. Let us, also be proud that we all originated from Gunekwo, Zangmbeng of Zang-Tabi and pledge to continue to do our utmost best to narrate the true history of the Meta people. It is also a matter of great pride for me that the COVID-19 that hit hard on some of our Meta peop