Combating Sexual Abuse: ICT University VC, Beauty Queens Urge Students To Condemn Act

ICT University VC In A Family Photo With Beauty Queens After The Anti- Sexual Abuse Seminar 

By Raymond Dingana

Students of the ICT University in Yaounde Cameroon have been urged to join the fight against sexual harassment, by denouncing cases of  sexual exploitations and other forms of inappropriate behaviors in the school environment.

The call was echoed during a seminar organised by the ICT University to educate students and staff on what sexual abuse is all about and its consequences.

The workshop was also an opportunity to inform the public that the phenomenon of sexual misuse is prohibited at ICT University and must be strongly condemned in all its facets.

The sensitisation that was to prepare students and staff for a harmless teaching-learning environment, comes ahead of the start of Fall Semester (October 2023) at the ICT University wherein admissions are ongoing to end on September 29, 2023.

Discussions during the training seminar that held under the theme:"Sexual Harassment In The University Milieu," were drawn from a book recently launched by the Vice Chancellor of the ICT University, Professor Jean-Emmanuel Pondi, titled," Sexual Harassment and Deontology."

The book narrates the stories of victims of sexual violence and  measures taken to combat the act within the school milieu and the society as a whole.

Professor Jean-Emmanuel Pondi enjoined the students of the American styled university not to hesitate to report cases of sexual harassment, a cankerworm eating deep into the Cameroonian society.

ICT University VC Facing The Press

For over an hour, the university Don alongside Cameroonian beauty queens drilled the learners on practical ways in eradicating sexual harassment.

Facing the press, Prof. Jean-Emmanuel Pondi said:

"We are living in a society where these things are hardly reported, making it spread like fire whirl."

He added:

"So we are organizing this forum to create awareness for the students to join in the fight against sexual harassment in the school milieu."

The Vice Chancellor equally highlighted the importance for students to say NO to the sextual harassment especially on campus  before concluding that the students are at the center of this.

ICT University is one of the few universities that have taken upon it self to give a bloody nose to sexual exploitation on campus.

Many students especially girls have had to have sex with their lectures and other school authorities who are being accused of deliberately failing their students or making things hard for them because they refused to succumb to their sexual advances.

Cases have also been reported of mostly female students who have openly made themselves available for any lecturer who is ready to have them in return for a pass mark(s).

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